Easter at Pathway

9:30 am on Easter Sunday (April 20th)

4330 12th Ave | Moline, IL 61265

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Welcome to Pathway


We’re so excited that you’ve decided to check things out!

At Pathway Church, one of our core values is the idea that YOU BELONG HERE. No matter where you’re from, what you might be going through, or what you believe, we want you to know the love that God has for you and that we have for you too! You are more than welcome here.

When you walk through the doors at Pathway you’ll find that we have three things that drive us.

We want you to know the amazing and life-changing love that God has for you.

We want to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus.

We want to help guide you into your purpose.

So whether you are a skeptic, uncertain, or a lifelong follower of Christ, you are welcome here. We don’t want you to do life alone. We believe we are better together; we want you to find a home here at Pathway Church. We invite you to worship with us this Sunday, and we look forward to meeting you!

Tanner & Alexa Smith, Lead Pastors

Pathway Happenings

Our Vision

Our vision is to see the Kingdom of God established in the Quad Cities area by leading every person we possibly can into an authentic, growing, and purposed relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Truth is Relevant.

We recognize that God has chosen to reveal Himself through the person of Jesus and the written Word of God. The truth of Scripture is what our church is built upon and we believe that God’s Word is powerful and relevant to every person!

Matthew 4:4, Psalm 33:4, John 1:1

Expectant Culture.

We recognize that in a world filled with hopelessness the church holds the power of life in its ability to live in hopeful anticipation. We expect God to rule and reign sovereignly. We expect Jesus to save people and be in relationship with them. We expect the Holy Spirit to move on people’s hearts and lives and to be present amidst all situations.

Hebrews 11:1, Romans 8:24-25

You Belong Here.

We recognize that everyone is looking for a place to belong. The Church is the answer to that longing. In a world that is more connected than ever before we are seeing loneliness spread at a rate that can only be described as an epidemic. We believe that the Enemy is in the business of trying to separate people from God and community and so we combat those attacks by welcoming and loving people right where they are while encouraging them to take their next steps with Christ.

Mark 12:30-31, Romans 15:7, Hebrews 13:2

It’s Not About Us.

We recognize that the eternal and originally intended purpose of mankind is to be in relationship with our Heavenly Father. Our present purpose is to share the good news of that purpose with everyone we can and give them the opportunity to share in the same joy we do. This is not a passive process, but an active pursuit of lost people in our own lives.

Luke 19:10

Ministry Is For Everyone.

We recognize that every person is called to ministry and purpose. God has a plan to work through everyone and that plan is never the same. We’re all called to the same purposes, but how we use our giftings and live out that calling will be (and should be!) unique to everyone. We were saved to serve!

1 Peter 4:10, Ephesians 4:11-16, Romans 7:6

Grander Vision.

We recognize that the Church and the mission of the Kingdom is bigger than any one city, region, or local body of believers. We are bought in and sold out to see the Gospel spread and the Kingdom advanced no matter who gets the credit. We are driven by a vision bigger than ourselves.

Matthew 28:16-20, Colossians 2

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4330 12th Avenue, Moline, Illinois 61265
(309) 326-3073
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